How We Began
CLC Unlimited, Inc. also saw the need to help those who are poverty stricken and homeless especially homeless veterans and whatever we can do to be of an assistance to them. We initially started in 2008 with a goal to provide personal homecare to the elderly. After further research in the State of Georgia and other states within the United States, we found that there was a critical need for affordable housing for disabled, elderly, deployed veteran families, women veterans with children and homeless veterans.
After much research, we realized that families ran into financial issues when the sole support of the family became unemployed and the financial burden of the entire household decreased from two incomes to one. Even after being re-employed, a household income level was never at the level it was before and the economy and real estate market went into a recession, so we placed the vision of opening a facility for Veterans on hold.
After our youngest child completed college and my spouse retired, we again looked at the number of homeless Veterans in the streets of Atlanta and State of Georgia, we felt that this was a good time to move forward with trying to work with the City of Atlanta and other surrounding counties to open the first Veterans only housing facility in the city with a goal to get as many homeless Veterans off the street and into a safe, secured environment of their peers.
Lyneil Charity and three volunteers felt a greater need to do what they can to be there for homeless veterans and began donating their time and resources. By August 1, 2008 CLC Unlimited, Inc. was officially incorporated with the State of Georgia as a domestic nonprofit organization. CLC Even though the CLC Unlimited volunteers gave of their time and efforts over the years, their was a point that unfortunately CLC Unlimited experience a few setbacks and had to cut back their program of providing food once per month to homeless Veterans; reconfigured the Board of Director and recruited new volunteers. To-Date CLC Unlimited provides food to over 15 Veteran families.